Tuesday, December 25, 2007

The wrong settings in fstab crash

I modified file /etc/fstab and the modification was incorrect. The tragedy happened. I can not boot normal. When boot sequences go to mount device which record in fstab, then system boot failed. When system failed, there are two choices : one is entering fix state the other is booting again. In fix state, the file system is read only, so, you can do nothing about that. Finally, I use boot-disk and choose "linux rescue" to solve this stupid problem.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Iptables allow BOOTPS/PC

dhcp use udp with port 67 and 68.

iptables -t filter -FORWARD -p udp --dport 67:68 --sport 67:68 -j ACCEPT

Iptables Tutorial 1.1.19

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


There are some features defined by C99:

1.set initial values when allocate new data structure variable
typedef struct humanInfo_s {
char *name;
int age;

humanInfo obj = {.name="YUNG"};
2. Variable Declarations does not limit on the top of the function body.

3. inline function.

There some many defines in C99 , but I do not list it.

Friday, November 23, 2007


If there are many tables must be update, you have to create new handel when table changes.

iptc_handle_t myhandle = NULL;
if (myhandle)
myhandle = create_handle(currentTable, "modprobe");
if (noflush == 0) {
 for_each_chain(flush_entries, verbose, 1, &myhandle);
 for_each_chain(delete_chain, verbose, 0, &myhandle) ;


Monday, November 12, 2007

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Windows route table

There are to network adapters within my Desktop. The routing table is always malfunction after I connect two different subnet. I have no idea to set the static routing table in my Windows XP, so I manually write a batch file to clean routing table and add correct default route rule.
route -f
route add MASK METRIC 20
ipconfig /flushdns

Route rule fields are as the table below:

Network DestinationNetmaskGatewayInterface Metric 20


HTTrack is a website copier. It can duplicate whole website and provide you offline browsing. The more important is : HTTrack is GPL software (Currently, Version:3.41-3 is still freeware). Use it in your Linux or Windows OS.

HTTrack official website: http://www.httrack.com/

Monday, November 05, 2007

Blogger language translation bug

This is a language translation bug. I want to report to blogger, but I can not find the way. In Astrology, the "CANCER" must translate to "巨蟹" not "癌症". "癌症" means carcinomatosis. It's a bad sign to see that error translation if you are astrological sign is "Cancer".

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


jQuery is a javascript tool. It can simplify the development processing of ajax.

IBM developerWorks about JQuery: Simplify Ajax development with jQuery

open source web development tools

There is a open source tool list for web developers. It's really useful.


Friday, October 19, 2007

Email Obfuscator

This obfuscator can encode your e-mail.Example:
From: iHateSPAM@yahoo.com
  1. <SCRIPT type="text/javascript">var vV0a8N7b0x="Ha";var sg_xMk2VjU="AM";var d9gSbi8M="i";var ucN09="&#64yah";var fX3QDT="o.co";var q$sYr="o";var l8$LZKH="teSP";var lH8VK="m";document.write(d9gSbi8M+vV0a8N7b0x+l8$LZKH+sg_xMk2VjU+ucN09+q$sYr+fX3QDT+lH8VK);</SCRIPT>
  2. &#105;&#72;&#97;&#116;&#101;&#83;&#80;&#65;&#77;&#64;&#121;&#97;&#104;&#111;&#111;&#46;&#99;&#111;&#109;
  3. <IMG src="59X65131h4.png">
  4. iHateSPAM @ yahoo . com
  5. iHateSPAM[AT]yahoo[DOT]com
  6. <TABLE style="display: inline-table; vertical-align: text-bottom;" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><TR><TD>iHateSPAM</TD><TD>&#64</TD><TD>yahoo.com</TD></TR></TABLE>

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Wink : Screen capture

URL: http://www.debugmode.com/wink/

Currently, wink is a freeware
--------------------------From wink official site---------------------------
# Input formats: Capture screenshots from your PC, or use images in BMP/JPG/PNG/TIFF/GIF formats.
# Output formats: Macromedia Flash, Standalone EXE, PDF, PostScript, HTML or any of the above image formats. Use Flash/html for the web, EXE for distributing to PC users and PDF for printable manuals.
# Multilingual support: Works in English, French, German, Italian, Danish, Spanish, Serbian, Japanese, Brazilian Portuguese and Simplified/Traditional Chinese.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

OpenSER - the Open Source SIP Server 1.2.x

Installtion (install mysql first):

In source code directory:
modify MakeFile to include mysql modules or you can using extra "make" to install mysql modules
remove mysql from exclude_modules?=

make proper
make --prefix=/usr/local all
make --prefix=/usr/local install

if you do not remove mysql from exclude_modules please execute commands below
make --prefix=/usr/local include_modules="mysql" all
make --prefix=/usr/local include_modules="mysql" install

modify database settings within configure files /usr/local/etc/openser/openserctlrc

make sure "mysql" in your PATH environment variable.

In /usr/local/sbin
./openserdbctl create

openser: http://www.openser.org
wiki : http://www.openser.org/docs/